33 Words about Design

Russian designers discuss Russian design in the film “33 Words about Design”. And I left home to watch it, because I could watch it only in the cinema.

The film consists of thirty-three episodes, in each of which a separate designer tells about Russian design. Someone is sitting at a table, someone is lying in the woods, someone is going to throw out garbage, someone is walking around the store, someone is reading the manifesto very pretentiously. As I understand, everyone shot the videos independently — it is this detail that makes the film interesting. I recommend it.


And the best part of the film is Anton Schneider’s part, in which he talks extremely charismatic about the differences between good and bad designs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLafkzWDIr8

A good design is aesthetic and functional one, without any stylization. It’s not trying to entertain you or pretending to be anything else. Rush.

 176   2020